Abbiamo inoltre circa 150 alberi di mele di diverse qualità di cui 4 autoctone friulane.
Nel nostro giardino arrivano i profumi e i colori degli alberi di ciliegio, di susino e di fico, ed in primavera ci si può distendere all’ombra per goderne della fioritura….
Un vero spettacolo naturale!
The Bed & Breakfast Sogni d’Orto was born with passion for healthy living and good food in mind, and this led us directly to the cultivation of fruit and vegetables following the natural rhythm of the seasons: tomatoes, courgettes and potatoes are grown and harvested with our hands. We are also dedicated to the cultivation of fruit trees.
Furthermore, our products are enriched only with organic fertilizers.
Anyone who wishes may come directly into our gardens to choose vegetables are welcome. Alternatively, you can choose one of the baskets prepared by us with the fruits and vegetables picked that morning!
Our speciailty is the raspberry, a delicious fruit and rich in antioxidants, which ripens from June to September. Its production in Friuli has historical roots and the raspberry festival is held every year at Attimis in the months of June and July for more information.
We also have about 150 apple trees of different qualities including 4 native Friuli ones.
In our garden there are the scents and colours of cherry trees, plum and fig, and in spring you can relax in the shade to enjoy the flowering ....
A true spectacle of nature!