Our price list is Euro 25.00 per person all inclusive per day.
Children under 10 year old can stay for free in an extra bed.
You can enjoy a lovely breakfast served by us indoors in winter time or outside during the summer time; you can contact us by e mail at the following address:
Our phone numer is : +39. 0432.789465
Fax Number +39.0432.789465
Mobile number +39. 339.12 42 034
Only for a long term vacations we ask you to send a deposit through the bank at the following address:
FRIULCASSA S.p.A. Ag. n° 5 - Cassa di Risparmio Regionale, Via Martignacco n° 123, Udine
... and made out to: >>>> Alessio Guatti
CODICE IBAN IT 48 R 0634012305 1000 000 0 2674